Barry Libert, OpenMatters
Investor, Author and CEO
Barry Libert Biography
Barry Libert, is a digital board member, technology investor, and strategic advisor to boards and their leaders seeking to benefit from the digital revolution.
Libert is the chairman and founder of OpenMatters, a technology (growth) investor and strategic advisory firm. He has spent the last ten years investing in and founding social, mobile, and big data technology companies. In 2001, he founded Mzinga, a social software and e-learning company.
His boards include (present and past): Innocentive, a crowd sourcing software company; Activate Networks (ANI), a big data analytics and services company; Zyncd a crowdsharing company, The Pulse Network, an social video company, Sonicbids, a social music marketing company, Parametric Dining, a mobile payment company, The SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Networked Organizations at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Us Against Alzheimer’s Network, an advocacy network seeking to end Alzheimer’s by 2020 using today’s technologies. He is also a strategic advisor to a number of large enterprises seeking to leverage social, mobile and cloud technologies to drive revenues and reduce costs.
Libert has co-authored five books on the value of social networks, crowdsourcing and big data in business, healthcare and government. His fifth book, Social Nation, was published in the fall of 2010 by John Wiley & Sons. Barry Libert has authored 1,100 articles on the importance of digital technologies in organizations. These articles have covered strategy, people, processes, technologies, governance, and financial results. Further, Libert has researched the impact on risks from these technologies, as well the returns from social enterprise business models. His articles have appeared in publications such as Harvard Business Review (HBR), the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Baron's, Institutional Investor, CIO Magazine and Mckinsey Quarterly.