Cameron Tuckerman-Lee, Airbnb
Software Engineer
Cameron Tuckerman-Lee Biography
Cameron is a Software Engineer with experience and interest in analyzing data and building systems related to security, vulnerability management, fraud detection, and abuse prevention. He works at Airbnb as an engineer on the Risk engineering team. They detect, mitigate, and prevent fraudulent and malicious behavior on the platform. Cameron specifically works on the infrastructure team supporting collecting features and running models, and supporting ad-hoc analysis.
Cameron worked to protect users and advertisers on Google's ad serving network from fraud, spam, and abuse. He was working as a co-op in IT Security for a Fortune 500 company, he was tasked with projects that protected the Sherwin-Williams network and subsequently its customers. He has worked with other analysts to ensure PCI compliance at Sherwin-Williams by performing network wide vulnerability scans using McAfee Vulnerability Manager and Qualys, and developed a web application aid in the analysis, tracking, and remediation of detected vulnerabilities.
Cameron has assisted analysts in the deployment of the IMB QRadar SIEM; assisted in project management and worked with other teams to integrate log/data collection into systems company wide.