Mike Sutcliff, Accenture Digital
Group Chief Executive
Mike Sutcliff Biography
Mike Sutcliff is group chief executive of Accenture Digital, which integrates digital assets, software and services across digital marketing, analytics and mobility to help clients drive growth and create new sources of value.
In this role, Mr. Sutcliff focuses on leveraging the full breadth and scale of Accenture’s cloud, systems integration and enterprise application capabilities—and its global delivery network—to help clients integrate digital into all facets of their organizations to transform their businesses. He oversees a global team that provides a comprehensive portfolio of business and technology services, from developing digital strategies to implementing digital technologies and running digital processes on behalf of clients. Mr. Sutcliff is also a member of Accenture's Global Management Committee.
Prior to assuming his current role, Mr. Sutcliff was senior managing director of Accenture’s Financial Services business in North America, with broad responsibility for the group’s strategy, client relationships and financial performance. Between 2000 and 2005, he led Accenture’s Finance & Performance Management global service line.
Mr. Sutcliff joined Accenture in 1987 and was named a partner in 1999. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical/computer engineering and a master of science degree in business from the Georgia Institute of Technology.