Perry Hewitt, Harvard University
Chief Digital Officer
Perry Hewitt Biography
Hewitt is an established leader in digital marketing communications, with deep experience in the corporate and not-for-profit sectors. Her background includes both traditional business and marketing strategy, and expertise in digital and social innovation and management. As Chief Digital Officer, Perry is charged with Harvard University’s efforts to develop a comprehensive strategy for digital communications and engagement, as well as to establish best practices for content, multimedia, and technology. Perry has held significant digital marketing, editorial, and client services roles at firms including Crimson Hexagon, Razorfish, ArsDigita, Harcourt, and Lotus Development Corporation. She has been a consultant to major media companies on online product development, and began her career in publishing at the Houghton Mifflin Company. She has been a frequent writer and speaker on topics including the social web, content strategy, user experience, mobile, women and leadership, and online communities and networks. She has been quoted on business and Internet issues in news media including Forbes, CNBC, and the Pew Internet Project. Perry holds an A.B. from Harvard University in Russian and Soviet Studies. She has lived and worked in Switzerland, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Australia, and now lives with her family in the Boston area.