Sean Quinn, Cimpress

EVP and Chief Financial Officer

Sean Quinn Biography

Sean Quinn has responsibility for the Cimpress’ capital allocation process, accounting and control, corporate-level strategy, M&A, financial planning and analysis, investor relations, tax, treasury, communications and internal audit. Additionally, Sean overseas our Global Procurement team, one of the select strategic capabilities into which we centrally invest.

He joined Cimpress in 2009 and played an integral role in external reporting and accounting, prior to becoming global controller and chief accounting officer. In his prior roles, Sean’s teams were instrumental in scaling the company’s financial infrastructure to support our growth and supported significant investment decisions and acquisition activity.

Prior to joining Cimpress, Sean was a certified public accountant at KPMG, working in the Philadelphia, London and Boston offices. He holds a B.S. in Accounting from Saint Joseph’s University (USA).