Sheryl Kingstone, 451 Research
Sheryl Kingstone Biography
Research Director Sheryl Kingstone focuses on improving the customer experience across all interaction channels for customer acquisition and loyalty. She helps operator and enterprise clients make decisions regarding the use of technology, business processes and data to boost revenue and optimize business performance. She also assists vendors with custom research projects, messaging and positioning, as well as product road map evaluations. Kingstone researches and writes on the top trends in mobile marketing and commerce along with cross-channel customer experience technologies.
Sheryl joined 451 Research with the company's acquisition of mobility research firm Yankee Group in 2013. Before joining 451 Research, she consulted with a number of enterprise software companies in the areas of B2B e-commerce, CRM, e-services and internet infrastructure on company and product positioning, acquisitions and IPO strategies for Blanc & Otus. Prior to this, she worked at DataMirror and Praxis International, launching new products in the enterprise data replication, transformation and database software market.
As a recognized thought leader in the CRM space, Kingstone was awarded the 2006 CRM Influential Leaders Award and was also the first female to be inducted in the CRM Hall of Fame. She is also an advisor to a variety of organizations and a judge for many annual awards. Kingstone is a well-known industry analyst in the CRM market, with more than 20 passionate years' experience devoted to helping businesses eliminate customer frustration across sales, service and marketing. She has extensive speaking experience at conferences and seminars, is quoted in many business and industry journals and provides notable consulting experience with Fortune 1000 companies.
Kingstone holds a BS degree from University of Massachusetts and an MBA degree from Simmons College.