Sonny Hashmi, General Services Administration
Sonny Hashmi Biography
Sonny Hashmi is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Named as CIO in May 2014, Mr. Hashmi is responsible for managing the agency's $600 million Information Technology (IT) budget and ensuring alignment with agency and administration strategic objectives, information security and enterprise architecture.
Mr. Hashmi most recently served as GSA's Acting CIO, a position he held beginning in February 2014. Previously, he served as the agency’s Deputy CIO and Chief Technology Officer. While in these positions he led several technology initiatives that leveraged emerging technologies to modernize and improve GSA operations. He also provided oversight of GSA’s IT projects, implemented the digital government strategy and was a major force towards adoption of cloud for GSA’s email, collaboration and applications as well as creating agile practices for cloud development.
Prior to joining GSA, Mr. Hashmi was the Deputy CIO for the District of Columbia, Office of the Chief Financial Officer. He championed and successfully delivered many initiatives including large system modernization projects, implementation of a District-wide business intelligence platform for agency financial management and oversaw business process automation. Mr. Hashmi also worked for private sector organizations leading large scale initiatives for federal, state and local government agencies.
Mr. Hashmi is active in the federal IT community. He received the 2013 Federal 100 award for Digital Government Innovation - as a “cloud expander.” Other awards include his team’s win of the 2011 GCN award for (Cloud) Enterprise E-mail and Collaboration.
Named in 2013 as among the five most social federal CIOs on Twitter, he is actively engaged on social media and online federal IT communities of interest. You can follow Mr. Hashmi on Twitter at @GSA_CIO and read the GSA CIO's blog, Around the Corner, on
Mr. Hashmi has a master’s in engineering from Purdue University and a master’s certificate in innovation management from the University of Maryland.