The Rise of RevTech and EmpTech

Bruce Cleveland

General Partner


My investment partner at InterWest, Doug Pepper, and I co-authored an article on TechCrunch this weekend titled  “A New Revolution Modernizes The Revenue Supply Chain“.

In it, we discuss a new class of enterprise software applications that we see emerging in the Front Office and Back Office. These new applications are not replacing first generation applications per se (e.g. CRM, ERP, HCM).

Instead, they are using the transaction data generated by first generation applications  to provide real-time business insights at “the moment of value” — when a decision needs to be made by an individual, manager or executive.

They are also doing something very interesting — they are embedding collaboration and workflow into the fabric of the applications and leveraging mobile for anywhere, anytime computing across the enterprise.

These new applications, we believe, may be the foundation of a step-function increase in global employee and company productivity.

We have given these data-driven enterprise applications the labels of “RevTech” (Front Office) and “EmpTech” (Back Office). They are already helping companies to optimize both their revenue supply chains and talent supply chains.

I encourage you to read the article and provide your comments. Always interested in your feedback.

Sep 01, 2015