We can hardly overstate the importance of digital experience in creating customer relationships and brand loyalty, so creating a customer-centric culture is essential.
Culture change among the most important aspect of digital transformation. When it comes to digital experience, helping the organization adapt to new ways of interacting with customers is a crucial activity. We can hardly overstate the importance of digital experience in creating customer relationships and brand loyalty, so creating a customer-centric culture is essential.
Organizations today must think differently about how they deal with the digital experience world. And that means, as a result of digital disruption organizations are having to create a very different culture.
This is being driven by the fact that there are various stakeholders in the domain of delivering applications that’s called the digital experience. This means that you have line of business owners who have an interest. It means that you have IT operations people, network operations people. All these are part of this ongoing community, or growing community, of people who are interested in digital experience.
As a result of this collaboration, it means organizations need to operate differently. It means that they need to have a culture, they need to have processes; they need to have an organization structure that supports that kind of collaboration.
The types of things that we’re seeing when it comes to developing or defining this culture begins with the philosophy; digital experience begins with the customer. Digital experience is about ensuring that you can deliver a good customer experience. That needs to become pervasive in an organization.
So one of the things that’s important regarding building this culture is developing a philosophy that starts from the outside in, that helps organizations to think about the kind of culture that they want that is customer centric within the digital framework and digital world.
It also means that you must have a high degree of action orientation because there is a need to be able to move fast. There’s agile development about quickly getting what you need out into the marketplace.
So how do organizations go about doing this? I’ve seen our customers primarily approach this from two directions. One is organizational change. Sometimes they create dedicated teams. Teams that are focused purely on these digital projects which drive the expansion of the systems of engagement, or they create groups that sit between the line of business and between the operations areas that are focused on that same mandate but now focus firmly on driving that collaboration element.
The second way that organizations approach this is through improving processes for collaboration making sure that these are lightweight and make it easy for these teams to work cross-functionally.
The result, of course, is the ability to meet the customer requirement, to deliver systems that are more important, more representative of what customers need, and overall drive a better digital experience. And the way in which this manifests is increased engagement with the customer base, it’s customers using those digital assets more aggressively, and driving a continuous culture of change within an enterprise.
Published Date: Apr 22, 2016
Author: Michael Krigsman
Episode ID: 333