Intel IT: Delivering Business Value

  • Darcy Ortiz

    General Manager, CIO Strategy Office


  • David Aires

    Vice President, General Manager, IT Operations Information Technology


  • Aziz Safa

    Vice President, General Manager, Enterprise Apps & App Strategy Information Technology


Intel IT has a strategy to be an equal partner in creating success for the business. Three IT General Managers discuss executing the tactical face of this strategy.


Aug 31, 2015

Changes in the industry, the market, and how and where technology is consumed affects every aspect of Intel, including what constitutes business today. IT must enable the business to meet these changes and grow. Each tier of the IT strategy change pyramid, and its corresponding tactical face, relies on the previous tier being solid. This forms a value chain that connects infrastructure, internal operations, external suppliers and partners, all the way to the (paying) end-customer experience.

Three IT General Managers discuss the tactical face of this pyramid and how they’re implementing it.

Published Date: Aug 31, 2015

Author: Michael Krigsman

Episode ID: 276