Driving Innovation and Transformation

Discussion with Kare Anderson about Driving innovation and transformation


Jul 02, 2015

Discussion with Kare Anderson about Driving innovation and transformation


The key trend is for us to recognize in this increasingly connected but complex world and the love and intended consequences is increasingly becoming the norm. Therefor things that are designed for good purposes are most likely to be used for bad purposes. So those people who can step up to the plate with the right allies, to seize a problem or an opportunity and solves it better and faster than others, those are the two innovators.

They have to be able to identify the right people, recognize that any change this technology based could go both ways. Then they become sought after. They become the people who are key for a company to transform in time to meet a threat or to seize an opportunity.  

Published Date: Jul 02, 2015

Author: Michael Krigsman

Episode ID: 152