Technology Serves the Business in Digital Transformation

It’s no longer about building technology around the existing business processes, but changing business processes around technology.


Jul 08, 2015

Companies have been shifting to packaged enterprise software with predefined business processes and the Cloud continues to accelerate this shift. Phil Fersht discusses how this shift is changing not only how business run, but the value that companies receive.


We’ve always looked at the process first and how the process has been enabled by technology, and that’s really how businesses grow up today. You could never force-feed standard technology companies very well, it’s more helping you adapt with the processes around those.

The shift is taking place now where in many instances people are now buying the technology first and then trying to build business processes around the technology. That’s the shift that is taking place, and to use an example of Workday, where I think many companies have decided Workday hire-to-retire process are good enough. They’re adequate enough for them to run HR the way they want to, so they are now going to implement a workday roadmap and then there going to build business around that.

As opposed to the old days where you didn’t really have that type of availability, and you had your own way of doing HR and you would kind of have to retrofit the technology to adapt your business process.

So I think the shift is that the more that you can adapt to a more automated native cloud model for your technology process delivery, the more you can then look at that wave of true value which is how to understand your data more effectively. How to use mobility and social tools more effectively based on that platform so I think that’s the shift. Technology is done to drive the business, not the business driving the technology.

Published Date: Jul 08, 2015

Author: Michael Krigsman

Episode ID: 185